May was the month for green around, in many more ways than one. Our new green colorways proved to be a big hit, so the dye pots were kept busy. At the same time, we have been diligently working on our garden, and before we knew it, May had come and went.
Like many other families across the nation, we are trying to cut back on our expenses, for fear that the economy has NOT hit rock bottom yet, and the real suffering has yet to begin. Put the economic circumstances together with the recent, and very scary E. Coli outbreak in Germany and threats of biological warfare and it's made for a very scary environment. One in which you don't know who to believe, especially coming from those that grown/package our food.
We've had a garden for a number of years, but this year we are trying to go as organic as possible, and increase the harvest potential. I have tried to plant vegetables that are freezer friendly, like broccoli and green beans, and/or vegetables that I can jar. While the cost of establishing this garden was more than mere pennies (we had to bring in a load of top soil and a load of compost, not to mention the cost of building the raised bed), by and far, it will save us oodles at the grocery store.